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Washington Ramos gained a lot of experience and knowledge in tourism while he travelled in his youth in the Amazon. He is a dreamer and protects the environment that has worked for several tour agencies that operate in Cuyabeno Wildlife Production Reserve and other reserves.


Lago Agrio is a small city in the jungle region of Ecuador, where he lives for more than 44 years is his preferred community. He has deep insight in all Amazonian cultures and tribes and shows a huge interest in the ancient secrets kept by the communities and people.

After working for several innovating tourism companies, he founded Magic Paradise, an agency that is deeply involved in cultural and natural tourism as well as in adventure tours. He wants to share wildlife in its purest essence and natural beauty.

Magic Paradise is addressing its services to travelers from all over the world that visit Ecuador and that are interested in our customs, as well as to Ecuadorian tourists that love nature. We took our time to design different tours for all kind of travelers, enriching our experiences and knowledge as tour guides. 

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To offer a personalized service with high standards, relying on safety and seriousness by our tour agency, providing sustainable activities that involve local people and different communities or tribes which we will visit with our tourists and to design unique tours that satisfies the needs and interests of our clients.

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We want to become a tour agency that is recognized on a national and international level, for its safety and reliance that we offer to our clients and we provide sustainable activities and promote best practice to achieve a mayor satisfaction in our clients.

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